Tuesday, December 12, 2017



The formation of stereotypes in America started when America was first being built. These stereotypes about black people started before slavery. Slavery helped to form these stereotypes. For some reason, stereotypes about black people often stay the same due to them being formed so early in time. Some are added some are taken away. A few of these are lazy, late, and violent. Now that I think about it a lot of these are an effect of racism and jim crow laws. One that is very simple to explain is that black people are violent, I think that this is due to being forced to always have to protect your family from all the white people who were always trying to burn down your house and do other violent acts. Another one is that black men are angry this could have been created during the time of slavery when black men would be forced to watch as their daughters and wives are raped in front of their eyes. Also, some of the men would be forced to have sex with them Male slave master in front of everyone which was men to be degrading to the man and to show dominance over them. These things could definitely make a man angry.
 I think these stereotypes stuck because at the times it wasn’t the black people making the books and writings normally it was white men. Because at the time I would say white people were significantly more violent with the things that they did and the things that they were allowed to do far more than that of the black people of these times. White people during these times could get away with almost anything; however, if you were black and you were to retaliate then you are in the wrong and should have called the police. Even though the police could have been the KKK off the clock.

One the other hang white stereotypes always change for the good like they are healthy, green ect which I still can’t understand why exactly this is. Also, it’s interesting how white people take something from chitterling which was a trash food that slaves ate, to now is it considered a delicacy all because white people changed the meaning of them, and also how easy it is for white people to change the meaning or the stereotype behind something but it is far harder to do this in the black community.

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