Friday, December 8, 2017

Problematic 'Progessives'

         There is a certain behavior that I have noticed among some white liberals/progressives that is extremely problematic. Many times I have witnessed somebody, who identifies as a progressive, who is allegedly informed about social issues including race, use racial slurs or make racist comments with the guise of irony. The excuse I’ve seen that they usually fall back on goes along the lines of “It’s ok, I can say these things because I’m liberal and I’m not actually racist.” And, at the same time, if any other person were to say exactly what they just said, the ‘progressive’ in question would condemn them. 
One example I witnessed firsthand was at a gathering back in high school where this guy, who claims he is liberal and progressive, made an offensive joke about Trayvon Martin to his black friend. His friend responded by tackling him and putting him in a full-nelson. He obviously was not expecting this reaction from his friend, because he thought that his friend thought he was aware of social and racial issues, so a comment like that would perhaps slide, in his mind. The guy who made the comment obviously did not understand the personal implications of what white supremacy and violence meant to his black friend, because he never had to experience any of that. This is just one of many instances like this I have witnessed. 
The truth is, one can have a theoretical understanding and acknowledgement of issues of race, and claim to be sensitive towards them, but at the same time not understand the real life implications of racism, specifically as a white person. White people have not endured nor have been victimized by structural racism in the United States, so they have no idea what it is like to fear for one’s life because of the color of one’s skin, or the consequences of being discriminated against. The lesson to learn from this is, do not be ironically racist, because words and actions that have been used to perpetuate a system of structural violence against black people for centuries that they are still struggling with today is nothing lighthearted or funny. Be kind, informed, and understanding. 


Warren Socher


  1. I think this type of behavior and comments is prevalent among white "allies" because they believe they are beyond repercussions because they have claimed they are not racist. However, it is these comments, guised as jokes, that lead to the deepening of racist sentiments. White people see these comments as playful or trying to lighten a situation, but they serve as microaggresions that do nothing to end racism. White people definitely need to be more conscious of their comments and how they are helping to strengthen a framework of oppression.

  2. I have noticed similar trends. I think people often get caught up in trying to tackle large scale systematic discrimination, when there they are participating in very correctable behavior that makes that discrimination possible.
