Monday, October 2, 2017

The True reason Athletes are taking a Knee

Check Out My podcast with my teammate & Rhodes College QB PJ Settles where we address the elephant in the room and on the minds of a lot of people across the country: The National anthem and the protests that are ensuing during it. Cody Stockton and CBU student Austin Brown join as guest analyst.

1 comment:

  1. The protest against the police brutality on African American that is taking place by these NFL athletes has progressively gotten better over the past year. At the beginning of 2016, Collin Kaepernick caused a major uproar and the entire world began to notice him take a knee during the National Anthem. Throughout the rest off the 2016 football season, you began to see a few people start to protest in the same manner, but there was really no push in the progress of the protest. The reason that there was not a super bug push in the progress of the protest is because there was no real cohesive unit that was powerful enough to make big enough of a statement. We have now begun to see this protest during the 2017 season, but there has been a little bit of a different approach this year. This year, the protesting has become more of a team centered movement which in turn is causing the message to be delivered even stronger than it was before.
