Friday, October 13, 2017

The Presence of Oppression

Earlier this week, former NFL coach and ESPN analyst Mike Ditka claimed that black people have not been oppressed in the last 100 years. The comments were made in response to the debate over athletes who are kneeling during the National Anthem. This article in The Washington Post reported on Ditka's comments which stated that "there has been no oppression in the last 100 years that I know of" and "you have to be colorblind in this country" because "opportunity is there for everybody" and the color of someone's skin has never been the problem. Ditka later tried to clarify his comments and claimed that he was sorry if he offended anyone. However he still opposes kneeling during the National Anthem and views it as disrespectful to our country. Ditka's comments strike me as completely inappropriate and disrespectful to people who must deal with the repercussions of racism and injustice. 
Ditka's claim that there has been no oppression in 100 years is not only extremely inaccurate, but it undermines the struggle and existence of countless people and communities across the country. Ever since slavery took roots in America, oppression and inequality have been built into the culture and foundations of this country. Specifically within the last 100 years, the Jim Crow South and the Civil Rights Movement have exposed the overwhelming amount of systematic oppression in this country.

Additionally, Ditka's comments about people needing to be "colorblind" because there is plenty of opportunity for everyone, dismisses the idea of race entirely. This is troubling because ignoring the idea of race implies that racial differences are problematic. Failure to confront our differences further promotes racial division and oppression as there is an inability to acknowledge equality when there are undoubtedly discrepancies between individuals and communities. The desire to silence human differences has ensured continuation of racial tactics and inequality. There are very clear forms of oppression that have and still exist in this country and Ditka stating otherwise displays ignorance and lack of respect for those subjected to racism and oppression.

Pledge: Olivia Holmes

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